If you are in the process of changing or developing an internal program review process at your campus, refer to these resources that we consider to be examples of excellent program review report templates. A couple of things to take note of:

  • Each report gives facult/staff instructions or specific guidelines on what type of response and evidence they want for each standard
  • Each report uses preloaded tables and/or questions to make the program review more of a fill-in-the-blanks process. This makes it easier on your programs and also keeps everything more consistent
  • Program Review Example 2 was created by a SACS accredited institution and references specific SACS standards and requirements in their program review standards. Since program review is required by most accrediting bodies and utilized as evidence within accreditation submissions, creating this tie between the two processes is certainly a best practice
  • Program Review Example 3 includes links to examples of a completed item for each component of the review so that programs have a roadmap of the ideal documentation for each item in the report.
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